Thursday, September 2, 2010

First blog/unfortunate chocolate accident

Hello readers, The names Alex.

It is with great apprehension, grogginess and pain that I start my journeys into the world of online blogging.
This a new and exciting venture for me, and will be a great way to;

a. Keep a diary of sorts because my memory is so poor and

b. Vomit my past experiences/random ideas/general chaotic situations that I have had onto my readers.

I have actually surprised myself in how little procrastination I have exhibited in the formation of this blog.
From incubation in my brain thanks to Allie Brosh and her excellent blog Hyperbole and a Half
, to formulation, it has only taken one day! As you will soon find out in the coming months of knowing me from my blog posts, this is rather extraordinary progress on my behalf.

Also that link right there was my first foray into HTML editing. Which gave me something akin to a small nerdgasm....

Aaaanywhozzle today was the first day of spring for us in New Zealand! I felt more cheerful and energetic then most days. Of course my flatmates chose to perceive this as hyperactive when we went to do grocery shopping in the afternoon. It had nothing to do whatsoever with the large can of soft drink I consumed while in the store....

That leads me onto the next point and one of the descriptors of todays post. Pain.
I was nonchalantly nomming on a piece of sweet sweet Whittaker's chocolate that I acquired on our shopping trip, when one of my upper left teeth decided to un-align itself.  

Needless to say, I was in a lot of pain and discomfort. It is a vindictive and horrible upper tooth. Definably not one of my favorites. Do not be fooled by it's cute appearance, this tooth is a menace. It has been honing its sharpness for years now, and through secondary school (read elementary school for you Americans) decided to slightly muscle it's way to the front of my mouth . Outmaneuvering its peers. This results in large amounts of wanton pain and destruction to my lower left lip and gum. It had torn through a sizable chunk of my gum/lip this time. It is not a pretty sight. Curse you snaggle-tooth. Curse you to hell!
However, washing it with salt water seems to have numbed the pain.

 On a semi-related note, a friend of mine prompted a seed of thought to creep into my brain. It is about time I had a horror movie marathon. It has been way too long since I have almost crapped myself in fear. And time dulls memory, so I can't even remember how badly I get scared by horror movies. I think its the brains way of coping or something. I dunno. But anyways readers, leave some interesting (and effing scary) movie suggestions in the comments if ya could. Cheers.

That's it for my first post, nothing special, but what do you want from me at 4am? >_<
I'll get right onto making higher quality posts. Ciao!

EDIT: I realise that the name of my blog might seem a bit random. There is a meaning for it, but it is somewhat personally embarrassing, so I will save that for a later time, when I can trust my readers. Or am drunk...

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